Alright kids here is what happened!
On Thursday morning I woke up, got ready, and sat down to chill. I noticed my back on the left side felt a little weird, but I thought nothing of it. My friends said to come over (they live in my same parking lot) so I grabbed something for breakfast and headed over. I was sitting there eating yogurt when the weird feeling in my back turned into a slight pain. I was wiggling to see if it'd go away, but no dice. We left to run errands, while we were doing them I stayed in the car and decided to call the doctor because the pain kept getting worse. They told me to take a warm bath, pop some pain meds, getting a heating pad, and call them in a few hours. I tell my friends and they take me home. I call Tron because he has the only pills I'm allowed to take. All the while the pain keeps growing. He gets there as I'm about to get into the bath. I take the pills, get into the tub. I call for Tron to bring me a big bowl because it's getting worse and I'm not feeling well. Just as he hands me the bowl I start throwing up. (I'm sure you love hearing that) Luckily it didn't get anywhere, but the bowl. I call the doctor after I can control myself for a minute, because obviously this isn't a pulled muscle like they were thinking. I tell them what happened and they say to go into the hospital as fast as I can.
I get up and put on pajamas and we rush to the hospital. They get me right in. But they can't give me anything until my doctor is out of a delivery. (she's the only one on call for my clinic because of UEA) The nurse was asking me questions, and trying to get me to drink something so I can give them a urine sample. The problem with that is when I drink things I throw up. So, I'm dehydrated and can't give a sample so they can find out what is it. They decide to give me an IV so they can get my fluids up, but lucky me they can't find a vein because I'm so dehydrated. The nurse finally finds one in my hand (which she says she won't be doing when I give birth and I'm glad because it does not feel good) after a lot of tapping all over my hands and arms. She gives me the fluids, but still can't give me any medicine. But they call down to the ultra sound people to get me in as soon as possible. They also put monitors on my stomach to make sure the baby is fine. He's great and just keeps kicking the monitors because that's what he does when anything touches my stomach for more than 2 seconds.
Finally, I'm able to give a sample, but they can't use it for some reason or another something about too much skin. And thank heaven the nurse is able to bust into the labor and get permission to give me medicine. Or at least I think thank heaven. They give me medicine they give women in labor that's supposed to be pretty hard core. And lucky me it does nothing, but slightly take the edge off. They keep trying that medicine for a few hours, and nothing no relief. My nurse gets permission for another drug that's supposed to be 8 times as powerful as morphine, while she's running to go get it (this one's a pill) they come to get me for the ultra sound. I tell them I'm not leaving until she's back with the medicine. She finally gets back (it felt like forever when really it was 5 minutes) I take the pill and they wheel me down. They do the ultra sound the baby looks great and his head is pushing on my bladder (which I'm sure was really helping with the pain, but luckily he was sticking to my right side and only kicking there. Or else I'm sure it would have been a lot worse) but they can't tell me anything. The lady wheels me back and the nurse comes in and tells me I have kidney stones like she thought. Oh lucky me. By this time I'm thinking ok whatever when is this pill going to kick in. It never does.
They tell me that there isn't enough fluid going through my bladder to make it move or so it looks. So, they think it might be lodged in there. They tell me I might need to get surgery to get it out. The urologist (sp?) comes in to talk to me about it. He says that he's not going to do the surgery until the next morning. And that he's going to x-ray me to see if it's passed and if it hasn't he'll do the surgery that day. So, I'm a little freaked, but am thinking just get this thing out of me. He does however give the order to give me some really heavy duty pain meds, because nothing is working, but he says to give it to me in my butt. Not as fun!
I decide maybe it's time I call my mom if they might be doing surgery. So, while the nurse goes to get the new and improved medicine Tron calls my mom. She says she's on her way. The nurse comes back, gives it to me, and all of the sudden my butt is on fire! I was like what the crap! She asks how the pain is and I just tell her I don't know my butt's on fire! I was laughing, because this is supposed to be a pain reliever and it causes pain. Anyhow, that doesn't work either. But they decide I need to eat something. They bring me some sort of meat thing and I tell them I can't eat meat. So, they bring me a salad. Which I was not in the mood to eat either because of this pain. My mom gets there finally and we're just chillin and I am just waiting for new medicine to take away the pain. A new nurse comes in and checks on me. Then gives me more medicine which doesn't take the pain away but it knocks me out. I wake up an hour or so later and the pain is gone. I was hungry so I started eating and was totally normal and happy. I went to the bathroom and turns out the pain was gone because I had passed the stone. Our friend Gabe came, he and Tron then gave me a blessing to help me be less nervous and that everything would be ok. I finished eating and the nurse said I could go home if I wanted to, but I'd have to come in just in still to get the x-ray to make sure it was gone and I thought umm no I'll just stay just in case. So, I stay they wake me up every so often to go to the bathroom and to monitor the baby. Then in the morning they said I didn't need the x-ray or the surgery because I had passed it and the pain never came back. YAY! I'm all about no surgery. So, it turns out I still have stones in my kidneys but they aren't going to worry about them unless they start moving. lovely. So that's it. I'm just hoping the epidural works on me because obviously pain meds don't. And they never have. When I got my wisdom teeth out I got a few different kinds that didn't do anything. Lucky me. Oh, but what is even better the pain killers don't work, but the I still get that lovely narcotics head ache. My fav.